Welcome to the DRO Health Knowledge Base!
DRO Health, The Healthcare Solution, is a mobile app that seeks to bridge the gap between you, the user, and top-notch healthcare services. We have made it possible to basically carry around a hospital with you, thanks to our many features. You can consult with doctors, set personal health goals and work towards them, track your vitals and share your records with healthcare professionals, and do so much more!
In our Knowledge Base, we have curated a set of guides that will help you navigate our app and its many features seamlessly.
You can do so by searching for anything on the homepage or browsing any of the categories for articles relevant to what you are looking for.
For questions, concerns, and suggestions on more features to add to the Knowledge Base, please contact support@drohealth.com.
You can download the DRO Health App on the App Store (iOS) or the Google Play Store (Android).
Thank you for choosing DRO Health!