

Consultations are at the heart of DRO Health’s offerings. Our goal is to bridge the gap between our users and accessible healthcare. Users can virtually consult with a wide range of healthcare profe...

Leaving Feedback

Feedback is a pillar of consultations, as we want to know what our doctors are doing right… or wrong. At the end of every consultation, a screen will be displayed prompting you to leave feedback, wi...

Viewing Consultation Records

Viewing all records All records from consultations – notes, prescriptions, and diagnostic test requests – can be viewed at a glance. Open the app and click the ‘Doctors’ button at the bottom o...

Joining a Consultation

Joining a Consultation: The app will send reminders when it’s time for your consultation. When you open the app and it’s time for a consultation, you will see a banner indicating the consultation ...

Booking a Consultation

Setting your preferred time To book a consultation that will happen at a time and date of your choosing, open the app and click on the ‘See a Doctor’ button on the home page. This will take you to...

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